20 years of
We have the know-how you need.
Become an entrepreneur today by using Project Solar Energy's proven methods. Learn how to work remote, offer solar, and achieve your dreams.
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At Project Solar Energy, we believe that everyone can live out their dreams while being their own boss. Over the years we have had the freedom to travel to many exciting places and with over 20 years of combined experience, we want to pass that freedom to you. We offer opportunities to offer solar to your current book of business, become a solar representative, and also the way to learn how to effectively sell beyond your dreams. These opportunities help you break into the solar industry, empowering yourself with the freedom to do what YOU want to do.

Want to start TODAY?
Start offering solar today!
At Project Solar Energy, we have access to tools that we want you to be able to use! You are able to sell with the confidence that you are making a profit on any of the solar projects that you sell through us.
Click the button below to learn how to get started today!

Get started selling with us TODAY!
Solar is one of the fastest-growing and one of the largest industries in the world. We help you get started selling TODAY with affordable options for the customer making it an effortless sale. Our goal is to get you to make a profit within the first month of being with us and get you on the road to making amounts you've only dreamt of!
At Project Solar Energy, we have the blueprint to give you the ability to stop having to make other people’s dreams come true rather than yours. Using the tools that we provide, you gain an unfair advantage over others in the exact same position you are in right now. You can stop dealing with not making enough money, working hours you hate, and not living out your dream. We offer the opportunity to become financially free along with becoming worry-free with little to no investment.

Why join Project Solar Energy?
We are always looking for new people to work with us and take advantage of the opportunities that we have access to. At Project Solar Energy, we believe that you should be able to live out your dreams. We offer a way to sell solar from the comfort of your own home. It is important to us that you are empowered to sell the greatest solar on the market. Becoming a partner with us assures that you are able to which is why we are offering you to get started today, all you have to do is click.